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Udział Polski w posiedzeniu Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ nt. Ukrainy

Fot. Ambasady GOV

26 marca 2025 r. Polska wzięła udział w posiedzeniu Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ nt. utrzymania pokoju i bezpieczeństwa Ukrainy.

Tekst wystąpienia wygłoszonego przez Michała Miarkę, Zastępcę Stałego Przedstawiciela RP przy NZ w Nowym Jorku, dostępny jest poniżej.

Madam President, Excellencies,

Poland aligns itself with the statement delivered by the European Union.

I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Danish presidency for calling this timely meeting, and our appreciation to France and Panama for requesting it, as well as to ASG Msuya for her presentation.

While many look forward to restoring peace for Ukraine and stability in Europe, the events of last weeks listed moment ago by a distinguished representative of Ukraine cast a dark shadow on those hopes. Reports indicate that Russian forces launched a massive attack against Ukraine, deploying a staggering number of Shahed drones, decoys, and ballistic missiles.

This demonstrates that Russia, regrettably, does not seem genuinely interested in ceasing its illegal war against Ukraine, despite growing international calls for peace.

Madam President,

Russia disregards fundamental international norms and principles, a fact tragically evident in its ongoing attacks on Ukraine’s civilian population and deliberate targeting of energy and civilian infrastructure. These actions have resulted in frequent and widespread power and heating outages, leaving millions vulnerable.

Poland continues to respond to Ukraine's critical needs on a bilateral basis, including by providing vital equipment and increasing energy exports to help alleviate the suffering caused by this relentless aggression.

Madam President,

The recent political momentum underscores Ukraine's resolve to pursue meaningful advancements towards peace negotiations.

The key ingredient to unlock a peaceful future is, regrettably, still absent: Russia's genuine and constructive commitment to pursuing a negotiated settlement. It must be more than a mere pause, allowing the aggressor to rearm and strike again, as it had done before; it must, instead, meet the following criteria:

a) cease all attacks on civilian population;

b) be agreed with and accepted by all stakeholders, first and foremost Ukraine, but also Europe;

c) guarantee Ukraine's independence and sovereignty, enabling her to freely choose her leaders, control her borders, and decide upon her future integration aspirations.

Addressing root causes, Madam President, is a challenge because they lie squarely within Russian decision-making processes, when repeatedly choosing war over peace, and aggression over diplomacy. Perhaps it is frustrating that neo-colonial attempts to rebuilt Soviet empire by force and coercion continue to fail – as they should.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that Ukraine is not a helpless victim of aggression; Ukraine fights back, Ukraine has allies, around the world, including the European Union and Poland. Our commitment for justice and peace will not waver, and our pursuit of a just resolution will continue.

I thank you.

Ambasady GOV Redaktor

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